Virtual Phone Number

Virtual Number

Virtual Number

Friends and family far away? Get a Vonage Virtual Number in one of 22 countries so they can call you without incurring international long distance rates.

Where do you want a Virtual Number?
Select a country to see available area codes and prices for that area.

3,000 miles away can still be a local call.

Have family in the U.K. but live in the U.S.? Get a Virtual Number in the U.K. and they can call you in the U.S. simply by dialing your U.K. Virtual Number. It’s an easy, affordable way to have them call you and save money.


  • International calling for the cost of a local call.
  • $4.99 – $9.99 per month (plus taxes and fees), depending on country. See available countries.
  • Add more than one Virtual Number, no matter the calling plan.
  • Easy to set up. Just log in to your Vonage Online Account and select the country and area code of your Virtual Number.


This is a patented Vonage feature. View patent information.

Do you own a small business?

With Vonage Business, you can customize your business phone plan to meet your company’s exact needs. Plus, save 36% compared to traditional providers.*
See plans now

*Savings claim is based on the average monthly recurring charge for unlimited domestic business calling plans from the top three leading wireline service providers. Comparison excludes promotional pricing, fees, surcharges or taxes and assumes a customer already has broadband service. Check your phone bill to determine the savings that would apply to you.

Vonage Business


Learn more about virtual numbers


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Starting at $4.99

