pbx systems

Managed Services

Managed Services

Rapid7’s InsightVM, InsightAppSec, and InsightIDR are all available as managed services, so that you can do more with less.Managed ServicesSecurity programs supported by adequate budget, talent, and technology are a lot like unicorns: We all desperately want to believe they exist, but have yet to see the proof up close. While we can’t help you…

What is SEM And How It Benefits Your Business Marketing

What is SEM And How It Benefits Your Business Marketing

You see a lot of acronyms thrown around these days. SEO, SEM, SMO, CRO. It’s hard to keep it all straight. It’s easy to think that words that sound similar may be variations of the same thing. So what is SEM?You’re not the only one asking this question. We’re here to clear it up.SEM is a very…



The 3CX client for iOS only works with 3CX Phone System v16 and V15.5. It will not work with other commercial or open-source PBXs. Some features will only work with Version 16 so it is recommended to update your 3CX Server installation to V16.This app allows you to make and receive office calls on your…

Select Medical Holdings Corp

Select Medical Holdings Corp

Triple whammy for hospitals, opposite for insurersMay. 6, 2020 at 4:46 a.m. ET on Seeking AlphaSelect Medical Holdings Corporation (SEM) Management on Q1 2020 Results – Earnings Call TranscriptMay. 1, 2020 at 2:36 p.m. ET on Seeking AlphaSelect Medical (SEM) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of 12.12% and 2.12%, respectively, for the quarter ended March…

30 Tips to Learn Web Design in 30 Days

30 Tips to Learn Web Design in 30 Days

Is learning the basics of web design still on your “someday” list? Why haven’t you got started yet? We’ve put together 30 tips and resources to help you start learning web design this month (and maybe even find yourself a new career path!)Graphic designers, print designers, and creatives looking to learn something new or break…

SQL Server Management Studio SSMS

SQL Server Management Studio SSMS

09/11/2019 APPLIES TO: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW) Parallel Data Warehouse SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure. Use SSMS to access, configure, manage, administer, and develop all components of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and SQL Data Warehouse. SSMS provides a single…

Server Management

Server Management

2/22/2018 APPLIES TO: 2013 2016 2019 SharePoint Online Use the following articles to manage your SharePoint Server environment. Article Description Global deployment of multiple farms (SharePoint 2013) Learn about supported architectures for SharePoint 2013 in WAN environments, strategies for optimizing performance over WAN connections, and recommendations for service applications. SQL Server and storage (SharePoint Server)…

Coronavirus Latest News and Updates on the Covid-19 Outbreak

Coronavirus Latest News and Updates on the Covid-19 Outbreak

 Wednesday, May 20th 2020 1PM 63°F 4PM 62°F 5-Day Forecast  Updated: 18:06 EDTAdvertisementshow ad Sitemap Archive Video Archive Topics Index Mobile Apps Screensaver RSS Text-based site Reader Prints Our Papers Top of pageDaily Mail Mail on Sunday This is MoneyMetro Jobsite Mail Travel Zoopla.co.uk Prime Location Source

Google Guaranteed

So what is it?When you book an eligible Local Services provider on Google, you’re protected by the Google Guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the quality of service, Google covers claims up to the cost of the initial service, with a lifetime cap for coverage of $2,000.What is implied by the ‘Guaranteed’?When you book an…

3CX WebMeeting

3CX WebMeeting

3CX WebMeeting enables businesses to save time and money by hosting virtual meetings, whilst enjoying the benefits of face-to-face communication. 3CX WebMeeting can be used for a wide variety of everyday communication needs to boost productivity and efficiency while at the same time slashing travel costs by allowing users a cost-effective solution to expensive web…