What is the meaning of IT Consulting
An IT consultant is a skilled professional who charges a fee for their services. Such a person may operate as an independent contractor, in which case he or she would be considered an independent consultant. IT Consulting can consist of a variety of services in a wide range of IT categories. An IT contractor may…

3CX: SBC for V18 – Always Connected
SBC for v18: Always Connected The new SBC for v18 has been released. Get it now for increased reliability with the new reconnect feature, as well as the ability to bulk update SBCs via the Instance Manager. Reconnect: Instant recovery from internet failure When the internet connection goes down, the call is no longer…

44 Common IT Problems
IT problems are persistent technology issues that cause risks and costs. By contrast, an incident is a single event that causes business disruption. Where incidents are usually resolved in minutes or hours, problems can last years or decades. The following are common types of IT problems. IT Problem 1: Architectural Complexity A large number of…