Software Development vs Web Development

Software Development vs Web Development

Software Development vs Web Development

Software development is the term used for the process of creating software or applications in computer coded and specific programming language. It is a process of developing software by writing maintainable code. Software development means creating, planning, reusing, research and development, making things simple, broader usage, etc. Web development is the term used for the process of creating web applications or websites that needs to get hosted. Web development means developing a complex web-based application as well as the development of simple and single-page applications. Web development mainly is done as client-side scripting, Server-side scripting, and database scripting.

Software Development

  • Software development gives the product with features that have been planned and required for the computer software. Software development mainly referred to as a desktop application. While developing software, developers should have specific knowledge of client requirements, programming language, and end user’s usage.
  • Software development based on the software development life cycle (SDLC).SDLC consists of many phases or stages that are: 1. Requirement Analysis and Planning. 2. Requirement defining. 3. Designing Requirements. 4. The building of Application or Coding 5. Testing of Application 5. Implementation. 6. Deployment and Maintenance.
  • Software Development follows different methodologies for building the software or for a development process that are Waterfall model, Iterative model, Spiral Model, Agile methodology, prototype model, rapid application development, DevOps, etc.

Web Development

  • The web development includes other work also like content management, web designing, security, etc. The engineers who develop web applications referred to as a web developer, full-stack web developer, front-end developer, UI developer, back-end developer.
  • Web development based on the web development life cycle which is similar to SDLC only. In this, the phases are 1. Requirement gathering (Purpose, Goal, and audience) 2. Planning (Workflow creation) 3. Designing (Site page designing) 4. Content Management or writing 5. Coding (building website) 6. Testing 7. Deployment, hosting, and maintainability.
  • Web development also follows different methodologies to build or develop applications like Agile methodology. The process of breaking big tasks into small and checking the continuous progress from beginning to end to design the web application that is web development.

Head to Head Comparisons Between Software Development and Web Development (Infographics)

Below is the Top 8 Comparisons between Software Development and Web Development:

Software Development vs Web Development

Software Development vs Web Development

Key Differences between Software Development and Web Development

Below are the lists of points, describe the key differences between Software Development and Web Development:

1. Software developed applications mainly perform better in gaming, file-handling. Web developed applications perform better in data centralization or multi-user.
2. The key difference between the both Software Development and Web Development is a change of Interface.
3. In software development applications, customisation has limitations. Web developed applications have a wider range of customisation.
4. In software development, screens are developed with static content. In web development, static pages as well as dynamic web content can be managed.
5. Software developed applications can be used in specific machine in which it has been installed. Web developed application can be accessed from any system as it has been deployed to server and easily accessible with help of domain.
6. Software developed application does not need more security. Web developed application requires more security from virus, malware and data hackers.
7. Software developed applications are not stateless. Web developed applications are mainly stateless.
8. In software development, there are certain limitations on using technologies

Software Development and Web Development Comparison Table

Following are the list of points that shows the comparison between Software Development and Web Development.



Software Development Web Development
Architecture Software developed applications are client based only. Web developed applications are client-server based.
Designing Software design is generally simple and straight. Web design is mostly graphic design of web content.
Programming In Software development, coding can be done without script language. In web development, scripting is mainly used for developing apps.
Hosting Developed software does not require to host. Web Application needs to get hosted via internet or intranet.
Robust Software applications mostly robust. Web developed applications are not much robust.
Applications Software developed application mainly refers to a desktop application. Web developed application refers to web application or websites.
Platform In Software development, Applications are developed for the specific platform. In web development, web applications developed for cross-platform.
Software applications are mainly static. Web applications mainly developed with dynamic pages.


Software development and Web development both are used for developing applications. Software development means developing windows based application and Web development means developing web-based applications. Software development and Web development has used a standard set of rules for software and web designing to create applications more secure, reliable and with better performance.

Web development vs Software development is using different methodologies to check or keep the track of the progress of development of software and web application. In software development, the main focus is on logic written for the screen rather than UI, data loading to controls. In web development, front-end development is the topmost priority as to make the web application more attractive or interesting.

Web development can be considered as lightweight programming as it gives the ready result even with the small change. It is a process of creating a full fledge or featured application rather than just web designing only. Web applications can be used in mobile browsers or computer browser. Some web apps are similar to software only like executing logic on button click or on an event occurring by displaying the feasible results.

Web development is more in demand in a market with continuously increasing use of Internet and availability of resources at every place through mobile and personal laptops. With help of mobile, we can easily access the Internet and use the web applications anywhere in the world through Internet connectivity. In our daily routine, we are using social media sites, e-commerce sites for selling and buying products, traveling sites to book tickets; which are having user-friendly interfaces, security features like validating login and reliability.

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This has been a guide to Web Development vs Software Development. Here we have discussed Web Development vs Software Development their head to head comparison, key difference along with infographics and comparison table. You may also look at the following articles to learn more –

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