E-Services is designed to be compatible with Internet Explorer 9.0 and higher only, other browsers are not currently supported.
Online Tools for Tax Professionals
e-Services is a suite of web-based tools that allow tax professionals, reporting agents, mortgage industry, payers and others to complete transactions online with the IRS. All e-Services users must accept the User Agreement in order to access accounts.
Tax Transcript Information
The IRS has changed the format and distribution policy for tax transcripts. Authorized tax practitioners can access the Transcript Delivery System or request certain client transcripts be sent to their e-Services secure mailbox, where they will be available for retrieval. Reminder: If you view your transcript in your mailbox, it is only available for 3 days. Transcripts that haven’t been viewed are available for 30 days. Learn more about the new transcript policy.
Are you registered for Secure Access?
All e-Services users must register and create new accounts using a two-factor authentication process called Secure Access. To complete this process, select the e-Services application or product in which you are trying to access and select either Sign Up or Log In. Please see this important update for additional details or visit our FAQ page for e-Services and Secure Access.
e-Services Applications
Maintenance is scheduled every Sunday from 12 a.m. – 4 p.m. Eastern time. The system may be unavailable during this time.
Transcript Delivery System (TDS)
Use TDS to view client’s return and account information.
TIN Matching
Validate TIN and name combinations prior to submitting information returns. Bulk and interactive options available.
E-file Provider Services
Apply and participate in the e-filing of tax returns.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Services
Apply and participate in the e-filing of ACA Information returns.
State Agency Services
Participate in TDS and generate extract reports.