IT Services Atlanta Managed IT Services in Atlanta, GA

Managed IT Services Atlanta GA


Benefits of Managed IT Services | SOS Managed Services Offerings |

Network Operations Center | Network Security Assessment|

What Are Managed IT Services? | How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? |

IT Services in Atlanta, Today

Business today depends on reliable IT systems. Organizations, both large and small, require custom IT solutions and quick response times from professional and easy to work with IT services companies.

Larger organizations have the resources to achieve the support a network requires, but what about smaller to medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? Too often, these companies rely on part-time or understaffed IT departments or inconsistent, break-fix contractors. Either of these options run the risk of losing productivity and facing costly downtime.

SOS’s NetVantage Managed IT Services in Atlanta -headquartered conveniently in metro-Atlanta, GA – go far beyond your standard break-fix solution. Instead, we can serve as a strategic IT support partner for your business. We offer Fortune 500-level resources without straining your budget. Whether you have one or several locations, you focus on managing and growing your business while we take care of your network’s infrastructure.



Whether your IT support is internal or external, it is undeniable that businesses, at a minimum, need a basic level of support for their information technology. The benefits of third-party IT support are far greater than what we can list here, but here are some of the main benefits that SOS can provide an organization:


It is easy to feel like you are adequately covered, until you’re not. A 24/7 IT support help desk is essential to ensuring that your business can receive support whenever it is needed.

This service allows business owners to sleep easy with the knowledge that support is a simple phone call or chat away, and it will never go on vacation or get sick.

SOS offers terrific in-house help desk support in our Network Operations Center.

Placing a Support Call


Businesses with an internal IT specialist may find great value in investing in onsite support, but with technology and the threats to it changing so rapidly, it is improbably for a single internal specialist to keep up.

A team of experts can do this more efficiently, ensuring that your network remains effective against the challenges of today’s hyper-connected world.

Efficiency is improved by gaining a team of IT specialists, often for the price of a single employee. This fact alone makes third-party managed services a simple decision for companies who are serious about protecting their customers’ and employees’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as well as avoid the potentially crippling expense of downtime. 

[RELATED: The True Cost of Downtime]


In addition to exceptional support, SOS offers features that proactively monitor your network’s systems, including the ability to leverage a virtual server to keep your network operational, even if your onsite server is experiencing downtime.

With remote monitoring, SOS can proactively fix nearly 90% of a company’s network issues, remotely. This means that a company’s network is up and running faster, or better still, never notices any issues in network performance.


You can never be too cautious when it comes to protecting your company’s (and its customer’s) sensitive information. Far too often, companies rely on on-premise hard drives to back-up their data.

Cloud back-up is the safest solution to protect important data from both the physical and virtual threats that plague networks, today. Information stored in the cloud is easy to recover in the event your company’s on-premise data becomes compromised. 



SOS can keep your computers, mobile devices, servers and software in working order with network monitoring. The convenience of our virtual server allows your business to stay up and running even if your server experiences downtime, making it so your customers and employees are never inconvenienced.


SOS Help Desk



Protect your business from online threats as we proactively manage activity on your network through online backup, disaster recovery, and spam, firewall, and antivirus protection.


You can take advantage of SOS’s available business phone systems and VoIP products to optimize your communication solution. Collaborate with other more easily while saving money in the process through Unified Communications.


The SOS Network Operations Center [NOC] serves as the central nervous system of our managed IT services and is a truly differentiating component of our managed IT services offering. Leveraging technology within our NOC, we can:

  • Monitor critical systems for customers
  • Proactively prevent network issues
  • Offer remote support to solve nearly

    90% of customer network issues

  • Provide support that is 100% in-house, offering better security of your most sensitive data for companies headquartered in Atlanta and throughout Georgia 

Get a closer look of our Network Operations Center:

Network Operations Center



Security Audit Banner-min

Located in Atlanta or north-Georgia and needing your annual Network Security Audit? Click below to schedule one or read more: 

Learn More: What is a Network Security Audit?


5 Essential MSP Questions Answered

Managed IT Services are information technology services provided by third-party organizations. Third-party IT support operations can be as simple as a part-time individual located in a single home office, to as large as a major conglomerate with thousands of employees across multiple locations. 

Companies leverage managed services providers (MSPs) as a more efficient alternative small internal IT staff. Depending on the MSP selected, companies have the ability to gain a team of knowledgeable experts, ironclad network security, and support that never calls in sick or goes on vacation. This can often be achieved for less than the price of a single internal IT specialist.

It is no longer a question of if you should leverage managed IT services, but to what degree. More and more companies are being attacked by hackers each day and we are discovering that the vast majority of these targets are small to medium-sizes businesses. This is because cyber criminals are finding it easier to infiltrate the network’s of smaller organizations.

This report by the FBI on cybersecurity threats shows that an average of 4,000 businesses experience a cybersecurity breach each day.


To discuss how managed IT services can optimize your processes
and keep your network secured:

Contact Us Today!
