Google Introduces the Google Guarantee for Home Service Ads

Following Google’s crackdown on San Francisco area locksmiths and plumbers for abusing home service ads, the company has since introduced a verification process that comes with the distinction of being “Google guaranteed”.

Here’s what it looks like in search results:



Tapping on one of the results brings you to the home service ad for that particular business, which goes into further detail about what the Google guarantee means.



Tapping on Learn More will bring you to an information page with full details about the Google guarantee, how it works, and what it covers.

”When you book an eligible home service pro on Google, you are protected by the Google guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the work quality, Google may refund up to the amount paid for the job.”

For Businesses
If you’d like to activate the Google guarantee for your business, simply complete this form. You’ll be asked for some general contact info and a few details about the job.

For Customers
If an issues arises with a Google guaranteed service provider and you need to submit a claim, Google invites you to contact customer support at (844) 885–0761. The team will then investigate and decide on a resolution.


  • If you’re unhappy with the work performed, you can submit a claim and Google will cover the invoice amount up to a lifetime cap of $2,000.
  • The job must be booked through Google Home Services. Any future work completed by the same provider, unless booked through Home Services, is not covered.
  • Jobs completed before September 14, 2016, are not covered.
  • Currently only locksmith and plumbing jobs are covered.

For more information on why Google is offering this service specifically to locksmiths and plumbers, please see this post: Google Fights Fraud by Cracking Down on Plumbers and Locksmiths.



