Create your online store today with Shopify
Shopify is a complete commerce platform that lets you start, grow, and manage a business. With Shopify, you can: Create and customize an online store Sell in multiple places, including web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, brick-and-mortar locations, and pop-up shops Manage products, inventory, payments, and shipping Shopify is completely cloud-based and hosted, which means…

Dell APEX Backup Services and Data Protection
1ESG Economic Validation, sponsored by Dell Technologies, “Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Dell Technologies APEX Backup Services.” September 2022. Results may vary. CLM-005808. 2“Ransomware Is A Real Pain In The Wallet,” Cybersecurity Ventures, Steven Morgan, 24 Nov 2020 3National Archives & Records Administration Source
$15 Million in Economic Relief Payments delivered this week
26,000 low-income New Mexicans will receive $500 or $1000 SANTA FE – $15 million in economic relief payments from the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) and Taxation & Revenue Department will be delivered to more than 26,000 New Mexicans starting July 26. Payments will be delivered by direct-deposit or checks mailed to qualifying applicants….

Transcript: Fed Chief Powell’s Postmeeting Press Conference
Transcript: Fed Chief Powell’s Postmeeting Press Conference – WSJ Object.keys(e),getSubscribedFunctions:t=>Object.keys(e[t]||{}),executeQueue(e){try{t[e]&&t[e].forEach((e=>this.execute(…e))),delete t[e]}catch(e){console.error(e)}},execute(){var[t,i,r,n]=arguments,s=e[t][i],u=e=>e,c=[];return”function”!=typeof s?s:(r&&(“function”==typeof r?(u=r,n&&Array.isArray(n)&&(c=n)):Array.isArray(r)&&(c=r)),u(s.apply(null,c)))},__reset(){var i=e=>Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>delete e[t]));i(e),i(t)},hasSubscription(e){return this.getSubscribedElements().indexOf(e)>-1},hasSubscribedFunction(e,t){return this.getSubscribedFunctions(e).indexOf(t)>-1},uniqueFucntionsUnderSubscription(t,i){const{__ace:r=(()=>({}))}=window;let n={};return Object.keys(i).forEach((s=>{e[t][s]?r(“log”,”log”,[{type:”warning”,initiator:”page”,message:”You are trying to subscribe the function “+s+” under the “+t+” namespace again. Use another name.”}]):n[s]=i[s]})),n},addSubscription(t,i){if(this.hasSubscription(t)){const r=this.uniqueFucntionsUnderSubscription(t,i);e[t]={…e[t],…r}}else e[t]=i;return e},subscribe(t,i,r){if(r)return e[t]=i,e;if(!i||”object”!=typeof i)throw new Error(“Missing third parameter. You must provide an object.”);return this.addSubscription(t,i),this.executeQueue(t),e},globalMessaging(){var[e,t,…i]=arguments;if(!e&&!t)return this.getSubscribedElements();if(e&&”string”==typeof e&&!t)return this.getSubscribedFunctions(e);if(“string”!=typeof e||”string”!=typeof t)throw new…

India’s Wipro flags uncertain demand, sees muted second-quarter IT services
BENGALURU, July 13 (Reuters) – India’s Wipro (WIPR.NS) on Thursday joined some of its larger peers in flagging an uncertain demand environment as clients cut spending, and forecast revenue from IT services would remain largely flat for the current quarter. The Bengaluru-based company said its second-quarter IT services revenue, which accounts for the majority of…